What we do

Our priorities

Solving Earth’s biggest Challenges

pelican on a beach at sunset
Australian Pelican Point Peron, Western Australia © Katherine Barclay

A future where people and nature thrive

Our planet is at a crossroads. The actions we take together now are important to protecting the natural world we rely on today—and for setting us on the path to a more hopeful, sustainable future. We're taking on the planet’s biggest, most important environmental challenges by focusing on priorities that science shows are the most urgent and where our innovation and expertise can be game changers.

Find out how we're driving results for nature

  • Strategic Plan 2022-2030

    This strategic plan provides a roadmap to the future. It combines the best of human ability and offers genuine, results-driven solutions to the complex problems we face. And in it, is an important role for you. READ MORE


Explore our priorities

  • man tending to a controlled burn

    Climate Change

    Global temperatures have risen sharply over the last century, and it is clear that swift, bold action is required to avoid the increasingly severe impacts of climate change.  Explore

  • a school of fish swimming view from below


    It’s predicted that if overfishing continues at the current pace, all the world’s fisheries will collapse by the year 2048. There’s still time to reverse decades of damage to the world’s oceans. Explore

  • a small waterfall down red cliffs

    Land & Freshwater

    We have helped protect millions of hectares of lands and freshwater areas. And we plan to protect more by 2025.  Explore

  • melbourne reflection in water


    By 2050, two-thirds of people will live in cities. Thoughtful planning, smart growth and nature can generate benefits for communities, for people’s health and for the economy.  Explore

  • Rainbow Bee-eater at Gayini


    Almost ninety percent of Australia's mammal species aren’t found anywhere else on Earth. Our native wildlife are counting on us for their survival. Explore

Red Kangaroo near the CCB Wetland System
Red Kangaroo Not all Red Kangaroos are actually red. Like this one, sometimes they are grey. © Andrew Peacock/TNC